Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Blondies

Taken From Table for Two
I'm doing it, I'm doing it!

As you may have noticed I've haven't posted in a while. A while being over 2 months, sorry :/ Between work, travel and moving (the worst!) posts were definitely put on the back, back burner.

However, I have baked a few things in my new (and tiny) oven and this was one worth sharing.
In the spirit of fall and the overuse of pumpkin flavored things, I bring you pumpkin blondies.  The original recipe from Table for Two called for white chocolate chips, butterscotch chips and nuts. I said too sweet and eww, respectively, to that combo of things and instead used white chocolate and dark chocolate chips.  I think the dark chips worked nicely to balance out the sweetness of the pumpkin and white chips. 
I used an 8 x 8 but I think these could definitely go in a larger pan.  I ended up with super thick blondies, which were a little intense. However, they were super rich and yummy and very fall flavored.  I really like this recipe but may have to hold off on making them again as it takes time and perseverance to go through a batch.  My advice is to share with friends and workers! People love free food, and like my sister says, food at work has no calories. Enjoy that morsel of a "fact" as you continue to graze on leftover Halloween candy in your office.
Happy fall and pumpkin flavored things!

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