Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Deep Dish Peanut Butter Pie with Chocolate Covered Pretzel Crust

Taken From Yammie's Noshery
Another ridiculous dessert successfully made and devoured! Tom and I went to his parents for a 4th of July potluck BBQ and we brought fruit salad and a secret dessert.  I knew there were going to be a lot of people there (~25) and I wasn't sure how this recipe would turn out, so I didn't say we were also bringing a dessert in case it was a fail, and we then showed up empty handed.

I knew it was likely going to fall apart the moment I cut into it, but at the point I figured it out, it was too late to correct the problem.  The crumbly crust made it pretty visually disappointing, but it was still delicious. The issue was that I wanted to make sure there were plenty of pretzel crumbs to create a nice tall crust, so I increased the amount of pretzels, but I didn't also increase the amount of melted butter. With not enough melted buttery-ness to hold it together, the outer crust crumbled as I cut the slices.  However, the bright side was that no one seemed to mind! Everyone loved it and couldn't stop raving, with actual comments like, "This is the best dessert I've ever had," and "I could just live in this."  So that made me feel good, even though the perfectionist in me knew I could have done better, and felt compelled to reply to every compliment with, "Thanks, but I didn't put enough butter in the crust which is why it looks like a hot mess."

I'm working on not over-sharing; it's a process.

In actuality, this was a really quick dessert to whip up.  There was minimal baking involved and it really is something you could put together in a pinch.

As I was trying to get this dessert out of the way so it didn't take up my whole day off, I neglected to photograph this one in its entirety...but here is what I've got.
Deep dish pretzel crust, complete with a layer of once melted milk chocolate chips, smothered with the essence of this pie: peanut butter, cream cheese and sugar.
Topped with whipped cream. I cheated and used Cool Whip, which was a great time saver.
Decorated with chopped mini Reese's peanut butter cups.
The "best" looking piece I could find.  

Like I said, the end result wasn't so picture worthy (although I should have taken one of the halo of crumbled pretzel crust remnants around the pie plate, which was pretty absurd). However, it was still delicious and something I'd like to try again with a prettier final product.

via Recipe Endeavors

Put the internet to work for you. via Personal Recipe 3493532

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